How is Cord Blood and Tissue Stored?

After the obtained newborn stem cell sources come to the StemCord laboratory;

  • All documents are checked.
  • The stem cells obtained after the separation process are placed in the bank unit in a concentrated form to be stored under appropriate conditions.
  • Cord tissue can be stored as direct tissue according to the family's preference, or it can be preserved by isolating mesenchymal stem cells from the tissue.
  • Stem cell products are cooled in a controlled and gradual manner and stored at -196°C in advanced technology vapor phase nitrogen tanks.
  • Last step quality control tests are carried out.
  • The family is informed about the newborn stem cells that are taken into storage after the quality control tests are deemed appropriate.
  • A copy of the contract and custody certificate is sent to the family.
How is Cord Blood and Tissue Stored?